
Beelddraers: Voorreg of Slawerny?

Ons is geskape na die beeld van God as priester-konings. Dit gee die vermoë om met God in verhouding te wees, rasioneel te dink, morele besluite te neem, kreatiwiteit uit te leef, en (met God) die skepping te versorg en te beteuel. Dit is 'n voorreg, nie slawerny nie! - Paul Copan, in Is God a Moral Monster: Making Sense of the Old Testament God, hoofstuk 3.

Oospronklike teks: Being made in God’s image as priest-kings brings with it the ability to relate to God, to think rationally, to make moral decisions, to express creativity, and (with God) to care for and wisely harness creation. This is privilege, not bondage!